Monday, August 23, 2010

purity of soul

Came across the term purity of soul all of a sudden.It seems so simple,so uncomplicated.Yet very difficult to adhere to.
Can a molecule of pure water see impurities.There lies the answer to purity of soul.A soul that cannot regard anything as impure and can see only the bright side of everything.Its almost impossible by a human,hence even our scriptures speak more on purity of heart rather than purity of soul.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Moments of bliss

Have experienced this a couple of times but was quite ignorant about them.But today I sunk into its depth.These are moments which you just cherish without linking any experiences to them.Wherein the joy may bring in tears but you can just visualise the moment as a pic without attaching anything to them.It can be of your marriage,your sibling's newborn baby,of any book,of any movie.

You can use them as a mood refreshner whenever you are in distress or in pain.They can be termed as toxin removers of our mind.

Monday, March 8, 2010

In Pain in grief
Its only the fall
which however tall
brings you relief

The laid granules
appear to be lost
when the heart gets roast
with every rule

Where flowers bloom
There is eternal rest
There is my nest
From this worldly gloom

I wait for that day
When the fall will dry
And I will sigh
In my myriad quay